Institut-A- dan penerbit Katalis akan mengadakan launching buku saku "Mengapa Kapitalisme Menyebalkan" sebuah analisa anti-otoritarian terhadap kapitalisme.
@ InsitutA InfoHouse
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau No. 14, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan.
Jumat, 2 April 2010
Jam 17.00 - 22.00
Buku saku ini membahas:
+ Apa itu Kapitalisme?
+ Bagaimana Kapitalisme beroperasi?
+ Bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi hidup
harian orang-orang umum?
+ Bagaimana kapitalisme memberi arti pada hidup
orang-orang umum?
+ Tetapi Bukankah Kompetisi Menghasilkan
+ Siapa sesungguhnya yang dipecundangi di bawah
sistem Kapitalisme?
+ Jadi... Siapa Sesungguhnya yang Berkuasa di
Bawah Kapitalisme?
+ Sesungguhnya Dunia Seperti Apa yang Kita
Hidupi Saat Ini?
+ Apa alternatif dari Kapitalisme?
+ Bonus Artikel :
Sebuah Wawancara Dengan Dia Yang Masih Melawan
Launching buku akan diisi oleh:
+ Ngobrol bareng
+ Tabling literatur tema anti-kapitalisme/globalisasi/neo-liberal/dll
+ Snack vegetarian sehat
+ Musik Digital Noise oleh:
- Mean Fucking Boy (Singapore)
- Aneka Digital Safari (Jakarta)
KOMUNITAS BENDERA HITAM with Austin HVAC is a contractor that could give you quick service to repair. It is not only that Austin HVAC contractor also keep a good relationship with their customer, not only by giving them on time schedule but they always be there every time you need it. They are really a professional contractor even though the company itself was quite new establish in year 1991. they are very selected in hiring the staff since they do not want to make the customer down with their poor service. Therefore a lot of their staffs have been working there for quite sometimes since they are paid well, the company also concern and give them a good attention so that they would also give a good attention to customer. They have specialty in fixing the air condition, heater, new replacement system, Duct work repairs, New construction HVAC and many more.
Since they are professional and they are focus to give their customer the best service, so you do not need to be worried that they can not fulfill your demand.. They know what to do and it is even beyond your expectation. The quality that Austin HVAC contractor has can be compared to other contractor that you know. So it is really paid off.